Sometimes Mondays Are for Questions
This year, I came up with a few things I wanted to "explore." And by that I mean . . . Consider. Learn about. Chew on. Maybe even fold into my life in some way.
And one of those things is . . . ritual.
(Does "ritual" have anything to do with that photo? No. It does not.)
(And does "ritual" have anything to do with my one-little-word for the year? Not on the surface. Although I'll probably find some connection. Because that's what tends to happen.)
I've decided to explore . . . ritual. And, so far, here at the beginning of my exploration, I'm asking a lot of questions. Yesterday, I decided it might be interesting - and maybe even fun - to throw a few questions out into the universe and see what YOU think.
So here are a few basic questions I'm asking myself right now, as I get started down this "ritual" path. I'd really like to know what you think, so I'm hoping you'll share your thoughts in the comments.
When you hear the word "ritual," what do you think?
How is a "ritual" different from a "habit?"
Or is it???
And there you have it.
A few questions . . . on a (cold and snowy) Monday morning.