This or That

This or That: Summer Solstice Edition

I thought it'd be appropriate to end my Week of Questions with this month's . . . 


Camping . . . OR . . . Hotel

Sneakers . . . OR . . . Flip-flops

Pool . . . OR . . . Beach

Shade-lover . . . OR . . . Sun-seeker

Ice cream cone . . . OR . . . Ice cream in a dish

Motor boat . . . OR . . . Row boat

Iced Coffee . . . OR . . . Ice Tea

S'mores . . . OR . . . SnoCone

Coconut . . . OR . . . Banana

Sunglasses . . . OR . . . Sun hat


To answer, just copy the the list above, paste it into the comment field, and indicate your answers.
(I've tried it myself and it works.)

This . . . or That? 
I can't wait to see what you choose.

(As for me? Check the comments to find out!)


This or That: Gardening Edition

It's time to play this month's edition of everyone's favorite blog game . . . 


I'd like to grow more flowers . . . OR . . . I'd like to grow more vegetables

Dealing with deer . . . OR . . . Dealing with drought

Shady garden . . . OR . . . Sunny garden

I take my houseplants outside . . . OR . . . I leave my houseplants inside

Summer manicure . . . OR . . . Dirt under my nails

Interesting foliage . . . OR . . . Bright blooms

I'd rather dig . . . OR . . . I'd rather weed

Favorite flower . . . OR . . . Can't pick just one

Garden gnome . . . OR . . . Wind chime


To answer, just copy the the list above, paste it into the comment field, and indicate your answers.
(I've tried it myself and it works.)

This . . . or That? 
I can't wait to see what you choose.

(As for me? Check the comments to find out!)

This or That: Poetry Edition

What better way to wrap up a month of poetry than with a good old, month-end round of  . . . 


Poetry Lover . . . OR . . . Meh, Not So Much

Haiku . . . OR . . . Limericks

Lewis Carroll . . . OR . . . Dr. Seuss

[in school] Reciting Memorized Poems . . . OR . . . [in school] Writing Haiku

Classic Poetry . . . OR . . . Contemporary Poetry

Emily Dickinson . . . OR . . . Mary Oliver

Discovered Poetry On My Own . . . OR . . . Had Early Poetry "Mentors"

[movie] Bright Star . . . OR . . . [movie] Dead Poet's Society

Bob Dylan . . . OR . . . Lennon/McCartney


To answer, just copy the following, paste it into the comment field, and indicate your answers.
(I've tried it myself and it works.)

Poetry Lover OR Meh, Not So Much
Haiku OR Limericks
Lewis Carroll OR Dr. Seuss
Reciting Memorized Poems OR Writing Haiku
Classic Poetry OR Contemporary Poetry
Emily Dickinson OR Mary Oliver
Discovered Poetry On My Own OR Had Early Poetry "Mentors"
Bright Star OR Dead Poet's Society
Bob Dylan OR Lennon/McCartney

As for me? Check the comments to find out!

This . . . or That? 
I can't wait to see what you choose.


Spring Cleaning, Digital Style - Week 5: The Wrap-Up

This week, it's time to bring our digital spring cleaning to a close with a quick wrap-up . . . and a special, bonus round, digital-style This or That.


As a wrap-up, I just want to share three things I discovered this week that you might be interested in as you work through your digital spring cleaning:

Thing One: Wirecutter recently published practical guides for "locking down" and securing your computer against digital threats. There is one for Mac users, and another for PC users. The advice is simple to understand - and easy to execute. Highly recommend!

Thing Two: Now that we've all gotten used to using QR codes, the FBI recently warned that we ought be wary of scammers using QR codes to trip us up. Read all about it here (the PSA includes tips for protecting yourself from nefarious QR code scammers).

Thing Three: Over the weekend, I got a weird text (from my own phone number, turns out) that told me "Your bill has been paid for March. Here's a little gift for you" -- with a link. (That I did not click, thankyouverymuch.) I trashed the message and reported it as spam. Then, Erin sent me a link to this article (because it happened to her, too). So. Bottom line . . . do not be fooled by this message. You shouldn't be too alarmed, but you shouldn't click the link either. 


And now . . . the special, bonus round version of . . . 


Mac . . . Or . . . PC

Call . . . Or . . . Text

Alexa . . . Or . . . Siri

iOs . . . Or . . . Android

Desktop . . . Or . . . Laptop

YouTube . . . Or . . . TikTok

Headphones . . . Or . . . Earbuds

eReader . . . Or . . . Books With Pages

Inbox Zero . . . Or. . . Inbox Out of Control

Password Manager . . . Or . . . Really Should Do That


To answer, just copy the following, paste it into the comment field, and indicate your answers. (I've tried it myself and it works.

Mac or PC
Call or Text
Alexa or Siri
iOs or Android
Desktop or Laptop
YouTube or TikTok
Headphones or Earbuds
eReader or Books with pages
Inbox Zero or Inbox out of control
Password Manager or Really should do that

As for me? Check the comments to find out!

This . . . or That? 
I can't wait to see what you choose.


Other Posts In This Series:

Spring Cleaning, Digital Style - Week 4 -- Digital Detoxing

Spring Cleaning, Digital Style - Week 3 -- Using a Password Manager

Spring Cleaning, Digital Style - Week 2 -- How to do a digital de-clutter and clean up your digital footprint

Spring Cleaning, Digital Style - Week 1 -- How to clean your computer, digital devices, and screens


This or That . . . February Edition

In this week of asking you questions . . .  it seems like a This or That list might be the perfect way to wrap things up!
So here we go . . . 



Flowers . . . or . . . Chocolates

Rom-Com . . . or . . . Action Movie

Bubble Bath . . . or . . . Long Shower

Dot your i's with little hearts . . . or . . . Never did that!

Tulips . . . or . . . Roses

Red . . . or . . . Pink

Get Dressed Up . . . or . . . Go Casual

Brunch . . . or . . . Dinner

E-cards . . . or . . . Snail Mail Cards


To answer, just copy the following, paste it into the comment field, and indicate your answers. (I've tried it myself and it works.

Flowers or Chocolates
Rom-Com or Action Movie
Bubble Bath or Long Shower
Dot your i's with little hearts or Never did that
Tulips or Roses
Red or Pink
Get Dressed Up or Go Casual
Brunch or Dinner
E-cards or Snail Mail Cards

As for me? Check the comments to find out!

This . . . or That? 
I can't wait to see what you choose.


And thanks for answering my questions this week. I hope you had as much fun as I did!


This or That . . . January Edition

It's a new year, a new month. 

Let's play . . .


Digital calendar . . . or . . . Paper planner

Choose a word . . . or . . . What are you talking about?

Chili . . . or . . . Soup

Dry January . . . or . . . Pass the wine, please!

Wood burning stove . . . or . . . Gas fireplace

Set annual goals or resolutions . . . or . . . Let it flow

Snow plow service . . . or . . . Dig yourself out

Night owl . . . or . . . Early bird

Cozy PJ pants . . . or . . . Flannel nightgown

Morning coffee . . . or . . . Morning tea


To answer, just copy the following, paste it into the comment field, and indicate your answers. (I've tried it myself and it works.

Digital calendar or Paper planner
Choose a word or What are you talking about?
Chili or Soup
Dry January or Pass the wine, please!
Wood burning stove or Gas fireplace
Set annual goals or resolutions or Let it flow
Snow plow service or Dig yourself out
Night owl or Early bird
Cozy PJ pants or Flannel nightgown
Morning coffee or Morning tea

As for me?

This or that answered

This or that?
I can't wait to see what you choose!


This or That

It was fun last month . . . when I posted a little This or That "exercise." So I decided . . . let's do it again!


Just copy the following, paste it into the comment field, and indicate your answers. (I've tried it myself and it works.) (Yes. It's kind of awkward? But maybe fun anyway?)

Bonfire or Fireplace
Sweaters or Sweatpants
Hot Cocoa or Apple Cider
Candles or Essential Oils
Hot Baths or Hot Showers
Reading or Netflix

As for me . . . 

IMG_6793 2

This. Or That.
I can't wait to see what you choose!