September Unfolding
Here we are. September . . . unfolding all around us.
Last week, I wrote about my "September feeling" . . . and the fresh start effect that often accompanies a new season (and especially the back-to-school season).
Since then, I've spent some time looking back over the plans and intentions I set for myself at the beginning of the year. Usually I set up intentions for the year based on my one-little-word (this year's word = focus), and this year I also made an "18 for 2018" list (along with many other listeners of Gretchen Rubin's Happier podcast).
I was pleasantly surprised when I went through this reflect/review exercise. I can actually see that I'm making consistent progress toward most all of my goals and intentions.
Some of the plans I set out for myself were very concrete and easy to measure: painting my dining room, for example, or re-configuring the path through the garden. (Happy to report that both of those goals are in the books for 2018.)
Most of my intentions, though, were much more open-ended: "follow your heart," for example, or "chew slowly." Although I know that I've made good progress regarding both of those intentions, it's harder to measure such nebulous goals. (When I set these intentions, I start with broad statements, and then I whittle them down to just two or three word phrases for myself -- so they aren't quite as nebulous as they sound. I do have some something to sink my teeth into behind those catch phrases.)
The best thing about my recent review, though, is the fact that I can see just where I want to/need to focus my efforts for the rest of 2018 -- when there are still a solid 4 months for me to work on my goals and intentions. Now, I can put together a road map for where I want to be by the end of the year -- and, in some cases, I can even chart out where I want to go next . . . as 2019 rolls around.
How about you? Have you put together a road map for the rest of the year? Anything special you're hoping to accomplish before January?