Usually, here at the end of the month, I do a Right Now post. You know. Right Now . . . I'm watching, knitting, listening to, drinking, etc.
But this month? June? I just can't.
Oh, it's been a GREAT month. Filled with fun and parties and gardening and Carole and Dale and the kick-off of Tom's new consulting business.
But it's also been a rough month. Because my mom is having some pretty significant health issues. It's stressful for all of us, and I've been spending a lot of time on the road . . . or (as Tom photographed yesterday) on the phone.
And . . . right now . . . I'm packing for my trip* (we leave tomorrow), running to Holland for one more visit with my mom (and to pick up my sister; she arrived on Monday), and dealing with window installation (here's my garage).
Oh, my. Time is just completely getting away from me these days.
Let's stop.
And take a breath.
And catch up with the end of May. (Since June is already WAY underway!)
Here's what's happening . . . RIGHT NOW:
Watching . . . Birds and toads and unfolding blossoms and weeds. (Lots and lots of weeds.)
Reading . . . I'm already making a dent in my summer BINGO reading. Last week, I finished The Boys in the Boat (a pretty good book about a most awesome feat) and The Dictionary of Mutual Understanding (. . . meh). Next up? LaRose by one of my all-time favorites, Louise Erdrich (in my ears), and My Name is Lucy Barton by Elizabeth Strout (from the library).
Knitting . . . It is summer. And I am in full-KAL-mode. First, I am slogging through this sweater as part of Kat's KAL (brilliant in it's simplicity). (Plus cocktails.) Second, I am trusting my knitting-soul to Kirsten Kapur and her Through the Loops Mystery Shawl! (I think this is my fourth year.)
Listening to . . . Sirius radio in my car. I've got The Bridge (just like listening to theradio in my high school days) or Classic Rewind (just like listening to the radio from college and Tom's grad school years - but with maybe a bit too much Van Halen for my taste) or Lithium (for my grunge craving) or Pearl Jam Radio (when I just need a bit of Eddie Vedder). This all works for me!
Drinking . . . Oh. Yeah.
Itching to . . . Have my NEW, IMPROVED windows installed! We're having ALL NEW windows (and sliders) installed in our house. We bit the bullet. (Because pretty much like having college tuition again.) But, now? SO EXCITED. (Unfortunately, it's going to be another month before it happens.)
Humming . . . Night Moves. Bob Seger. (I never know where these things come from.) (Let's blame . . . Sirius radio.)
Needing to . . . Do some "deep dives" into heavily weeded areas of my garden . . . (wish me luck).
Dreading . . . A couple of "light" commitments coming up this week and next. Neither is particularly terrible -- but, still. They do not Bring Joy.
Delighted by . . . Blooms! Every day . . . blooms!
Looking foward to . . . Sailing off to Scotland and Ireland with my sister in a month! (Oh, yes. This thought gets me through rough spots in my days.)
Thinking about . . . ALL the Projects I want to get rolling on.
Planning . . . A party. A visit. A trip. (Now THAT sounds fun, doesn't it???)
How about YOU? What's happening for you . . . RIGHT NOW?
Knitting . . . Nearly finished with my toddler sweater -- and . . . just in time. Because the recipient is growing fast! Now, I think this one is up next (even though I swore I'd never knit with linen again).
Listening to . . . Sirius radio. That channel that is just like listening to the car radio back in 1976? Yep. That one. (Pablo Cruise, anyone???)
Drinking . . . Beer on the patio. (And, my. That feels good!)
Itching to . . . Plant my herb garden. (But not quite yet. I need to be patient for a couple more weeks.)
Humming . . . Poetry Man by Phoebe Snow. I heard this one the other day - for the first time in probably 30 years or so - and now? Can't get it out of my head! (See Sirius radio; above.)
Needing to . . . Put away my winter clothes. Really. I'm sure I won't wear them anymore. (Even if the weather turns winter-y again.) (Once I put on the flip-flops, it's All Over.)
Dreading . . . Not being able to hear for a couple of weeks. (Because my hearing aids went haywire yesterday and need repair.)
Celebrating . . . An 80th birthday just around the corner!
Delighted by . . . Grape hyacinths. I think I planted about 100 bulbs last fall. (And I have no regrets!)
Looking forward to. . . Lilacs! I planted a lilac bush of my own last year -- and it's full of buds. (And, of course, there is my neighbor's lilac. Which happens to drape over my side of the fence in a most accessible way . . . )
Thinking about . . . Gratitude. And feeling the need to acknowledge it in a more intentional way. Every day.
Planning . . . My garden. Home improvements. Trips up north. My workload. How to make everything work.
How about YOU? What's happening for you . . . right now?
March came in like a lion . . . but it's (pretty much) going out like a lamb.
I know spring -- and especially early spring (like . . . March) is fickle. But I'm sure ready for the Real Deal to begin!
Here's what's happing for me . . . Right Now.
Watching Well. Nothing on television. Because I've decided to move into a cave until the ugliness of the presidential campaign is behind us. (I do come out to vote.) (And watch movies.)
Reading In my ears: The Story of the Lost Child by Elena Ferrante (the 4th in this excellent quartet; I'm going to miss this series after I read this one); in print: The Secret Chord by Geraldine Brooks (good; compelling; but . . . well. Confusing Bible names throw me off.)
Knitting An adorable little toddler pullover for a great-niece-in-law (Tom's brother's son's daughter). I missed making her a baby sweater (because timing) -- so need to hurry and get this toddler sweater off the needles before she grows some more!
Listening to Bruce Hornsby. (We'll be seeing him in concert as part of the Gilmore Piano Festival next month.)
Dreading Taxes. This weekend. They WILL be done. (And that is all I'm gonna say about that.)
Drinking Chocolate milk. Red wine. Whisky. (But not together.)
Planning I'm creating my "Plant Watch List" of things I want for my garden this year. I do this each year -- and it's a great way for me to stay loyal to my garden plan. (Because it's so tempting to just start buying every pretty bloom I see. And especially in the spring, when I'm starved for blooms.)
Looking Forward toRiding my new birthday bike. Something new . . . a bit of a risk . . . but certainly - adventures ahead!
Humming Bennie and the Jets. (Yeah. Still.) (I tried to embed a video, but they're all restricted. You'll have to sing it on your own.) (I'm sure you already are. . . )
Itchingto Do some sewing. A copy of Merchant & Mills new Workbook (long ago pre-ordered) arrived in my mailbox yesterday.
Delighted byTea Drops. My sister sent me a box for my birthday. Tasty. Cool. And they work just the way they say they will!
Organizing I continue chipping away at organizing my digital photos. It's a giant task -- and may never be truly complete. But I'm working at it. (It's made me just put my "real" camera aside for the time being. Because, really. I don't want more photos to organize right now.)
Enjoying Thunderstorms! When they aren't violent, I just love a good thunderstorm.
Celebrating The end of an era and the beginning of something new. ;-)
How about YOU? What's happening for you . . . right now?
I hope this is the Last Blast from you, February . . .
Because, really. I want to get back to those crocus! Here's what's happening for me . . . right now:
Watching: Well, today it's been snow plows. (Hopefully, this is the last I'll see them this season.) Looking forward to the Oscars on Sunday night. (Although I'd really love to see Spotlight or The Big Short win Best Picture, I'm thinking it'll probably be The Revenant.)
Reading: Lots of books about bees and pollinator gardens. (More on that another day.) My reading has slowed of late (a bit of a slump), but I'm plugging along with A Manual for Cleaning Women: Selected Stories by Lucia Berlin.
Knitting: Hey! I'm nearing the end on my Henley! At least . . . I can see my way to the finish now. (I am so tired of linking that pattern to my right now post every month. I just HAVE to finish it in March!) I also just selected pattern and yarn for my youngest great-niece's "baby" sweater. (She's almost 2. So I better get crackin' before I end up having to knit an adult-size sweater for her. . . )
Listening to: Alabama Shakes, Death Cab for Cutie, and a little Bruce Hornsby to round things out.
Dreading: Taxes. (Doing them. Paying them. All of it.)
Itching to: Start stitching my new Alabama Chanin skirt . . . along with my virtual sewing "guild."
Drinking: All the Tea. (I'm not allowing myself to purchase New Tea until I drink all the Old Tea I already own.) (I'm a bit of a pushover for New Tea. . . )
Planning: Well. I was trying to plan a party. (But the guest-of-honor isn't really buying it.) (So maybe not so much.)
Organizing: My jewelry box. (Can you say . . . Out. Of. Control???) I need to streamline and - truth be told - pack some pieces away. (I've already Kon-Mari'd. But, clearly. . . not quite enough.)
Delighted by: Pretty much sticking to my commitment to "art every day." It's amazing how these bubble charts can work when you want to develop a new habit or encourage/discourage a specific behavior. (Totally makes me want to color in ALL the circles.)
Needing to: Start organizing my (damn) tax stuff. (See above; dreading.)
Enjoying: Month of Letters mail! This is the first year (in the four I've participated) that I've received replies to the letters I've sent -- which makes it all the more fun! (Except for one friend, who always, always replies. XO)
Humming: The Foo's End Over End. (I've had this ear worm going all week.) (Not really complaining. It could be far, far worse.)
Celebrating: My Smart Girls. Erin was accepted into Carnegie Mellon's (highly competitive) professional writing master's program, and Lauren was accepted into law school at Colorado University. You GO, girls!
Looking Forward to: Seeing all my bulbs emerge and bloom. (So I can remember where I planted 'em.) But first . . . gotta get rid of this:
How about YOU? What's happening for you . . . right now?
January. Of all the months, I think you are my least favorite. Dark. Cold. Bleak. And really, really long.
The daylight is getting longer, though. I'm even starting to notice.
Here's what's happening for me. . . Right Now:
Watching - My Oscar-nominated-movie-watching binge is nearly complete. Bridge of Spies will be available on DVD next week. (We missed that one when it was in the theaters last fall.) That leaves me with Mad Max: Fury Road. Tom has already seen it, so I'll be watching by myself. (Keith received this movie as a Christmas gift, and everyone -- except me -- watched it during the holidays. If I had known it was an Oscar-contender, I would've suffered through it then. As it is . . . well, I need to watch now.) For the record, my favorite this year is Spotlight, followed by The Big Short.
Reading - I'm sort of at a reading low-point right now. I'm reading H is for Hawk . . . and really not liking it very much. (Very disjointed and kind of whiney . . . and as much as I like birds of prey, I'm not so sure how I feel about falconry.) Also reading Last Friends, the final novel in the Old Filth trilogy. (Unfortunately, it's the weakest of the three.) I'm also avoiding reading my book group selection for the month, as it doesn't appeal to me in any way. (Maybe I'll just show up and drink the wine this month.) (It happens.) On the upside . . . I read The Tsar of Love and Techno by Anthony Marra. Wow. This was the best book I've read in a very long time, and - even though it's only January - might end up as the best of the year for me.
Knitting - I am still c-r-a-w-l-i-n-g along on my Henley with a Twist sweater. (I only have the front to complete, and I've got a good start.) (So slow, though. Tiny yarn. Small needles. And bitsy cables -- every 8th row.) I did knit two pair of Trip Mitts (one for me; one for my niece). Such a perfect palate-cleanser. And I am ready to Bang Out a Sweater next week (ha!) in the Mason Dixon Knitting Stopover KAL. (Don't hold your breath.) (But I really need a WIN here.)
Listening to - Guided meditations. While some are just too corny for words not to my taste, others are perfect and really add to my daily meditation practice.
Dreading - This happens every year at this time. My yoga instructor goes to Mexico for the month of February. (And this year, she actually added the last week in January.) I hate this. Because I am not so fond of the sub.
Drinking - Peppermint tea. Every afternoon.
Planning - My Month-of-Letters strategy. (Remember, if you'd like to receive a letter from me in February, please see the sidebar to email me your address.)
Humming - (I blame Carole.) (Said with much love.)
Itching to - Bang Out a Sweater! (Because lemming.)
Organizing - Myself . . . using a Bullet Journal. I've been intrigued by this way of journaling/calendar-ing for years -- and decided to try it (in earnest) this year. So far, so good. (Maybe I'll blog about it soon.)
Delighted by - My grocery store amaryllis. This is my second set of blooms. (Not bad for $10.)
Needing to - Get a load of stuff to Goodwill. I'm Very Good at sorting and deciding; not so good about getting it in my car to drop it off.
Enjoying - My watercolor class. But So hard! I need so much practice. I waste so much watercolor paper. (Fun. But very humbling.)
Looking Forward To - My sister and I just booked our next trip! This summer: Scotland and Ireland. It's a long way off -- but so cheering to think about.
Celebrating - The end of January. So long. So dark. And even though February is much the same, it is short. And has chocolate in the middle.
How about YOU? What's happening for you . . . right now?
You've been such a notable month, December. Full of activity. Warmer than ever. And gone in a flash! (Of course, you're also ushering in the new year with ice and sleet and snow. Cue winter . . . )
Here's what's happening . . . RIGHT NOW.
Watching . . . Movies. All the movies! Tom and I have been on a movie tear lately (because this is the season for all the movies we've been waiting to see). Before Christmas we saw Spotlight (excellent; my favorite so far), Room (good - but the book was better), and Brooklyn (great - and far better than the book). This week (so far!) we've seen the new Star Wars (so fun), The Big Short (excellent, plus awesome soundtrack), and Joy (Jennifer Lawerence is great; much better movie than the reviews would have you believe).
Reading . . . In the ears -- Those Who Leave and Those Who Stay (Elena Ferrante) (Neapolitan #3); on the page -- H is for Hawk (Helen MacDonald). Earlier this week, I finished the challenging, heart-breaking, and eye-opening Between the World and Me (Ta-Nehisi Coates). (Really . . . everyone should read this one.) I'm also enjoying my new Christmas gift cookbook Mark Bittman's Kitchen Matrix.
Knitting . . . I've just picked up my never-ending sweater again. (You know why it's never-ending don't you? Because I'm never-knitting. . . ) (I WILL finish, though.)
Listening to . . . a Solstice playlist. Tom and I hosted a Solstice party this year, and we created a special playlist for the party. It's, well . . . very eclectic! We chose songs about the sun, sunshine, light, darkness, winter . . . and burning (as in candles) -- and it beats the heck out of Christmas music!
Dreading . . . the January People at the gym. (They've already arrived, actually.) (I hate January at the gym.)
Planning . . . How to move forward with my intentions for 2016. I have some cool things in mind, and I'm looking forward to putting some of those plans and ideas into action.
Humming . . . this one, from the Gorrillaz. (I have it on several playlists, but heard it again in The Big Short the other day.)
Wondering . . . what the new year will bring! It's always kind of amazing to look back and see all that happened in the year just ending - expected and unexpected. So I'm just wondering what will come with the new year.
Itching to . . . just sit and knit for awhile. But there are so many other "shiny objects" to play with right now . . .
Organizing . . . my digital photos. Ugh. What a monumental undertaking. My advice: DON'T store all your photos (like. . . for years) on your hard drive. And, really. Get rid of the bad ones and dubplicates right away. (Just sayin.)
Delighted by . . . a new Alabama Chanin kit I received for Christmas from Tom. (He got a big hint.) (It's the wrap skirt!)
Needing to . . . clean out my refrigerator. And clean my oven, too.
Enjoying . . . Erin and Keith! Thanks to an extended vacation, I've got them through the weekend!
Celebrating . . . the end of a challenging year. (Although we've certainly risen to the occasion!)
Looking forward to . . . returning to my Regular Life . . . after all the Holiday Madness!
How about YOU? What's happening for you . . . RIGHT NOW?
I'm sort of wondering . . . what happened to September. Because it seems to have just evaporated right before my very eyes!
Here's what's happening for me . . . Right Now.
Watching . . . my bathroom be demolished right before my very eyes! (Yes. It will be worth it in the end. For now? Just a giant mess and a lot of hassle.) (A Jacuzzi tub used to live there. . . )
Reading . . . Undermajordomo Minor. (The title alone is click-bait, n'est-ce pas?) (If you're a fan of Princess Bride, you might want to pick this one up.) I'm also reading Girl on the Train for my book group. (I know. Late to this party.) (Also - not really my style. But reading anyway because book group.)
Knitting . . . a sweater. This one. As usual, with sweaters-in-pieces, I do the sleeves first. It's slow going lately, as life has been busy and getting in the way of my knitting.
Listening to . . . Black Violin. (Classical meets HipHop. Really. Check it out.)
Planning . . . where to plant my spring bulbs. I have daffodil, crocus, allium, and grape hyacinth -- over 150 bulbs -- and I'll be so happy next spring!
Needing to . . . get on with my KonMari-ing, which has taken a backseat during gardening season. Now that the garden is winding down, I'll have time to sort and toss and find joy again.
Drinking . . . our home-brewed IPA. (Really, it's all Tom's doing -- but I assist with the transfers and bottling). (And it's quite tasty, by the way!)
Itching to . . . head up north for a nice fall weekend. I'm hoping the weather cooperates for a nice fall hike in the woods. (Even though the leaves haven't really gotten going yet.)
Dreading . . . pumpkin spice everything! At the grocery store on Monday - in just one aisle - I saw PS marmallows, PS Mini Wheats, PS granola bars, PS tea, PS coffee, and PS Pop-Tarts. (Of course, I also discovered that one of seasonal flavors of Chobani - PS, of course - is really quite tasty!)
Wondering . . . how long it will really take before my bathroom is functional again?
Enjoying . . . the Drawing with Colored Pencils art class I'm taking this fall at the KIA. Lots to learn; lots of fun.
Organizing . . .my time so much better these days. How? A good, old-school planner system that really works for me.* (Digital, while cool, just does not.)
Delighted by . . . a new work table for my drawing and art projects. My Dad built it for me - custom-sized. I can't wait to get it!
Celebrating . . . the Super-Lunar-Blood-Moon-Eclipse. We didn't think we'd get to see it at all - because clouds. But then, just as the show started, the clouds parted and we had a perfect view from our patio.
How about YOU? What's happening for you . . . right now?
* I've used Planner Pads almost exclusively since 1999. Every once in a while, I try something digital. But I always go back to the Planner Pad.
August . . . Oh, August. You've been such a challenging month.
Hot. And Cold.
Dry. And Wet.
On. And Off.
And yet . . . we've made it through. Here we are, still standing at the end.
Here's what's happening for me . . . RIGHT NOW.
Watching . . . Rain. And a little fog. Capping a very chilly week. A harbinger of what's to come, I'm afraid. (Although they say Very Hot all of next week.)
Reading . . . Just finished Nature of the Beast. (The newest by Louise Penny.) (Very, very good.) I'm also reading Out of the Woods: A Memoir of Wayfinding by Lynn Darling. Also So Big by Edna Ferber (for my book club). And - drum roll, please - with a bit of poetic license (ahem), I'm going to have a Summer Book Bingo blackout this year after all.
Knitting . . . I probably ought not be writing about my knitting right now. Because Frustration and Disillusionment. (Plus knitting with linen for several weeks now.) But here goes: I'm nearly finished knitting this. But so frustrating. Because it is torquing like CRAZY. (And knitting with linen is so dang ugly.) (I'm not sure blocking will help.) (Cross your fingers that it behaves after a bath.) Next up . . . this or this. (Both are in my lineup.) (But not in linen.)
Listening to . . . More John Mayer. Turns out . . . I'm a fan. (Who knew?) (This is a great cover of my favorite Tom Petty song.) (Although I'm not so sure the link will remain live, so watch it quick!)
Dreading . . . Another week (at least) of the pool being closed at my gym. Yeah. Now that I've made swimming a regular part of my fitness routine (thanks to my oinky knee), they've closed the pool for regular maintenance. Only . . . not so regular. Because they Found Something. And now they have drilled out all the tile from the pool deck, revealing only sand. And pipes. And an empty, lonely pool. (I'm afraid this won't be a quick-fix.)
Drinking . . . It's been unseasonably chilly here. And wet. So . . . chai, please!
Planning . . . A little October adventure. (She said, with a wink.)
Humming . . . (We're just ordinary people, you and me. . . )
Wondering . . . How it can possibly, possibly be September tomorrow??? Already.
Itching to . . . Plant All the Bulbs!
Organizing . . . Yarn. And fabric. And art supplies. (But not really.) (Right now it's all just laying on my basement floor.) (Completely undone.) (But Progress.)
Delighted by . . . Releasing my "own" Monarch into the wild. Yep. This guy (or gal???) emerged from a crysallis in a Mason jar right in our library. Unfortunately, we missed the final emergence when we were up at the lake last weekend. But this is what we would've seen, there at the end, if we'd been home.
Celebrating . . . Our 34th wedding anniversary on August 22. We were up at the cottage, scouting a river, on our actual anniversary, but we went out for a special dinner this weekend to celebrate.
Celebrating MORE . . . This weekend was JoJo's "Gotcha Day" . . . August 28. She's been part of our pack for two years now!
How about YOU? What's happening for you . . . Right Now?
July . . . you've been a challenging month for me . . . pretty much every day. (And I'm sorry to be so elusive about it all. But the challenges here . . . are mostly not mine to talk about.) But things are starting to resolve, which means we can begin to move on.
Here's what's happening for me . . . Right Now.
Watching . . . Birds and butterflies and moths and hummingbirds. My garden is filled with them, and it is glorious!
Reading . . . I'm reading This is How You Lose Her by Junot Diaz, a collection of short stories. I've intended to read this one since it came out a couple of years ago, and it's been on my iPad for a long time -- but it was a Bingo square that inspired me to pick it up now. Anyway, it's pretty fabulous -- although I imagine not to everyone's taste. I'm also reading/listening to a really dreadful book, Beneath a Marble Sky (again, inspired by a Bingo square). It sounded interesting, but it is tedious. Really tedious. (I'm wondering how much I have to read before I can count it as "read." What do you think? Half?) (Because life is too short to read stupid books.)
Knitting . . . After knitting twoshawls in rapid succession, I'm sort of floundering in the knitting department right now. I cast on for this top in some linen yarn I've had laying around. I love the look and feel of linen, but not so much the knitting with it. (So not really feeling it . . . general lack of enthusiasm here.) I have a strange urge to knit a pair of socks. (Which is really weird.) (Probably should act on it - because all my hand knit socks have holes now.)
Listening to . . . Florence + the Machine.
Dreading . . . Actually, well. I've had it with dreading. I'm finished with dreading.
Drinking . . . (Oh, yeah, baby. I'm drinking.)
Planning . . . A master bathroom re-do. This project began out of necessity (our shower is leakinginto our kitchen), but is rapidly becoming one of those Projects That Ate New York. Because where do you stop? (I'm drawing the line at re-carpeting my bedroom.) (Even though it needs it.)
Humming . . . This one.
Wondering . . . About resilience and grief and letting go and moving on.
Itching to . . . See my sister. She arrived in Michigan yesterday, but I haven't seen her yet. (Saturday.)
Organizing . . . I finally started on my yarn stash! I dumped out every skein, hank, ball, and cake of yarn I own . . . onto the floor of my sewing room and into my family room. I'm Kon-Mari-ing all of it, touching it and deciding if it brings me joy. (This was much harder than my clothes, I gotta say. But, like all Kon-Mari-ing, it gets easier once you start letting go.) I've put much of it into bags that I'm donating to a high school art teacher friend. (She's excited to add fiber art to her classes -- but doesn't have a budget for fiber.)
Delighted by . . . My new waterproof iPod Shuffle! Because of a flare-up of a long-standing knee issue (just another of my July challenges), I've had to stop running and dancing -- maybe forever. (See? Fun month.) I've started swimming laps again -- but find it painfully tedious. Having music helps a lot -- in fact, it's a game-changer. (And, yeah. It works!)
Needing to . . . Pack myself for a mini-vacation (Chicago with my sister), do a little deadheading in the garden, submit a couple of grant applications, and vacuum.
Celebrating . . . We're getting some resolution on some issues that have been hanging around (or over us) for way too long. Finally. Although some of it doesn't feel "celebratory" quite yet, I think it will. Eventually.
Enjoying . . . Summer. Because it finally arrived!
How about YOU? What's happening for you . . . right now?