A Retreat of Our Own
Almost two years ago, Vicki and I took a trip together . . . to Alabama for an Alabama Chanin stitching workshop. Somewhere along the way, we stopped on the side of the road to take photos of the cotton growing in the fields.
Last Thursday, we were together again, driving in northern Michigan . . . and, once more, we stopped on the side of the road for photos. This time, though, it was pumpkins growing in the fields that caught our eye.
Vicki and I first hatched our plan . . . to create our own Alabama Chanin "retreat" where we could stitch and cut and paint and plan together . . . about a year ago. I knew it would be lots of fun and inspirational to spend time with Vicki again. I had no idea how productive we'd be, though! Creating Alabama Chanin garments is complicated. There are so many options and so many choices: pattern, fabric, color, stencil design, paint colors, embellishments. It takes a while to sort through and figure out exactly what you want to DO! It's much more fun - and much more productive - to discuss and talk it all out with someone else who is as geeked about the process as you are!
And then . . . even when you have your ideas all figured out and clear in your imagination . . . you still have to do all the prep work. Which is time-consuming, labor-intensive, and messy!
I can't tell you how much better it is to do this with a partner-in-crime! (Especially when she brings her air compressor and an airbrush. And teaches you how to use it.)
So now . . . in addition to my memories of a fun week with Vicki . . . I have four (!) Alabama Chanin projects planned, (mostly) cut, stenciled, and ready to go. (And - bonus - I have new airbrushing skills AND an air compressor of my own now.)
A great week - and a perfect retreat - all the way around!