This or That: Summer Reading Edition
How it's already gotten to be the last week of July . . . is beyond me. Really. Time has been flying! Anyway. I've been thinking a lot about summer reading lately, and to celebrate this week's Booker Prize long list announcement (Tuesday), I thought it might be fun to wrap up the month with . . .
Reading a book-book . . . OR . . . Reading on an e-reader
Listening to an audiobook . . . OR . . . I can't concentrate when I listen to a book
Feel like I must finish what I start . . . OR . . . Life is too short to read books I'm not enjoying
Library . . . OR . . . Bookstore
Sometimes I read the ending first . . . OR . . . I wouldn't dream of peeking at the ending
Book club . . . OR . . . No group reads for me
Multiple books at once . . . OR . . . One book at a time
Read in bed . . . OR . . . Too tired to concentrate on a book at bedtime
Follow book awards . . . OR . . . Book awards? What book awards?
Sometimes I re-read books . . . OR . . . Not interested in reading something again
Always have a book with me . . . OR . . . Always have my knitting with me
To answer, just copy the the list above, paste it into the comment field, and indicate your answers.
This . . . or . . . That?
I can't wait to see what you choose.
(As for me? Check the comments to find out!)
Reading a book-book (but I'm fine with an e-reader, too!)
Listening to an audiobook
Life is too short to read books I'm not enjoying
Library (although I love bookstores, too)
Sometimes I read the ending first
Book club (but I'm not a big fan of group reads, tbh)
Multiple books at once
Read in bed
Follow book awards
Sometimes I re-read books
Always have a book with me
Posted by: Kym | 07/25/2022 at 07:14 AM
Oh my, this is exactly what I need this morning! :) Here are my choices!
Reading on an e-reader - is always my first choice!
Listening to an audiobook - absolutely! I love the luxury of someone reading to me!
Life is too short to read books I'm not enjoying (I very much used to believe you must finish... but then I realized that reading time is finite with little time for bad books!)
Library ... I absolutely LOVE the library!
I wouldn't dream of peeking at the ending. Curiously, I never ever have done this in all my years of reading!
Book club... I have discovered that book clubs are the best!! (Or maybe it is just the Read With Us Group!)
Multiple books at once. Yes... all the time.
Read in bed... every.single.night.
Follow book awards. You bet I do!
Sometimes I re-read books. Yes, absolutely, yes! (I have read Charlotte's Web so many times I cannot count them!)
Always have a book with me. I discovered how very true this was last week! LOL
Posted by: Kat | 07/25/2022 at 07:59 AM
FUN!! My answers:
Book-Book (though I take my Kindle when we go away)
Have not been able to get into audio books (though I'm thinking of trying again)
Life is too short to continue reading what I do not like (though, like Kat I used to feel compelled to finish every book I started)
Library (God-send during Covid) - though, like Kym, I love exploring a good bookstore
Nope - no peeking
Just "Read With Us" which I thoroughly enjoy, but no local book club (did that 30+ years ago and ended up not enjoying all that much)
Multiple books (what I'm reading, what Fletch & I are reading together, poetry books, essay books, etc.)
Always read in bed!
Nope - do not follow awards...except I hear/learn about them from you all!!
Occasionally I re-read books (One Man's Meat, some memoirs and "nature" books)
I don't always have a book with me...though there have been times when I wish I did. And I don't carry knitting - I can't knit in the car.
Posted by: Vera | 07/25/2022 at 08:15 AM
Reading on an e-reader (but real books are fine, too).
Listening to an audiobook, absolutely!
Life is too short to read books I'm not enjoying.
Library first, then bookstore.
I don't peek at the ending (unless it's a terrible book but I have to see how it ends).
Book club, but it took me a few tries before Read With Us.
Multiple books at once, definitely!
Too tired to concentrate on a book at bedtime, but I do listen to an audiobook to fall asleep, so I guess I do read in bed.
Follow book awards (in kind of a half-assed way). I don't plan my reading around them.
Sometimes I re-read books, you bet I do! One Man's Meat, Charlotte's Web, Anne of Green Gables, The Shell Seekers ...
Always have a book with me, definitely, along with knitting.
This was fun!
Posted by: Bonny | 07/25/2022 at 09:14 AM
Here are my answers:
Reading a book-book . . . OR . . . Reading on an e-reader - At home, I usually have a book-book; when traveling or at work, I have an e-reader, so it all weighs less.
Listening to an audiobook . . . OR . . . I can't concentrate when I listen to a book - I am picky about what audiobooks I can enjoy, so I guess I would say I can't concentrate when I listen to a book.
Feel like I must finish what I start . . . OR . . . Life is too short to read books I'm not enjoying - Life is too short to read books I'm not enjoying. It took me a long time to get to this point, but since a grade no longer depends on it, if I'm not enjoying it, I'm done.
Library . . . OR . . . Bookstore - 99% of the time, the Library.
Sometimes I read the ending first . . . OR . . . I wouldn't dream of peeking at the ending - Nope, I never look at the ending.
Book club . . . OR . . . No group reads for me - I belonged to a book club years ago and loved it, but haven't found a good group since.
Multiple books at once . . . OR . . . One book at a time - I usually have one book at home and one at work.
Read in bed . . . OR . . . Too tired to concentrate on a book at bedtime - Unlike most people, reading wakes me up, so no reading in bed, if I'm trying to go to sleep!
Follow book awards . . . OR . . . Book awards? What book awards? - I follow some of them, but not a lot.
Sometimes I re-read books . . . OR . . . Not interested in reading something again - There are very few books I have re-read, but they are the most special ones to me.
Always have a book with me . . . OR . . . Always have my knitting with me - I ALWAYS have something to read with me. My knitting only accompanies me sometimes.
Posted by: Bridget | 07/25/2022 at 09:26 AM
Reading a book-book-- preferred but will use the Kindle app on phone or PC
Listening to an audiobook-- especially when driving back and forth to the mountain property
Life is too short to read books I'm not enjoying-- like a lot of others, I come to this later in life
Library . . . OR . . . Bookstore-- OR BOTH!
I wouldn't dream of peeking at the ending--I love to wait on everything, don't you dare even HINT at the end of a show, what my Christmas gift is, or what the final score is of a sporting event I've recorded!!!
No group reads for me-- tried. Just not my cup of tea
One book at a time--Except when travelling as my audiobook is saved for then
Read in bed & Too tired to concentrate on a book at bedtime--Just depends on the night
Book awards? What book awards?-- Until I joined this community I was unaware of the award lists!
Not interested in reading something again-- Take that back to peeking at the ending. Once I know the ending, I'm done.
Always have my knitting with me--at least when I remember to grab it!
Thanks for your always fun this-or-that lists!
Posted by: Mary | 07/25/2022 at 09:50 AM
Reading a real book is my favorite, but I use an e-reader too
I have trouble concentrating on audio books, but I'm usually okay listening to non-fiction
Life is too short to read a book I'm not enjoying.
Library, but I like bookstores too.
Sometimes I read the ending first.
Book club
Multiple books at once-yes, but not more than 2 or 3 and not the same genre
Read in bed? Every single night!
Yes, I follow book awards.
Yes, I sometimes re-read books
I always have a book with me
Posted by: Debbie | 07/25/2022 at 09:55 AM
Reading a book-book
I can't concentrate when I listen to a book - It's not because I would lose concentration on what I am doing, but more that I would lose concentration on what I was hearing.
Life is too short to read books I'm not enjoying - I used to feel I HAD to finish a book. Not anymore.
Library . . . OR . . . Bookstore - Both. Because I use Little Free Libraries sometimes, I feel I should also buy books to donate to the LFL when I finish them.
I wouldn't dream of peeking at the ending - NO PEEKING. LOL
No group reads for me
One book at a time
Read in bed
Book awards? What book awards?
Not interested in reading something again
Always have a book with me . . . OR . . . Always have my knitting with me ---- ALWAYS have my kniting with me. Sometimes have a book (or a magazine).
Posted by: Dee | 07/25/2022 at 10:04 AM
Reading a book-book
Listening to an audiobook (it took some practice)
Life is too short to read books I'm not enjoying
I wouldn't dream of peeking at the ending
Book club (though I don't always read the book!)
One book at a time
Read in bed (though I have often been too tired this summer!)
Book awards? What book awards?
Sometimes I re-read books
Always have a book with me (as long as I have my phone)
Posted by: Vicki | 07/25/2022 at 10:40 AM
Reading on an e-reader
Listening to an audiobook
Life is too short to read books I'm not enjoying
Sometimes I read the ending first (rarely though! Mostly to be sure a character I like doesn't die).
No group reads for me (generally)
Multiple books at once (usually one fiction one nonfiction)
Read in bed
Follow book awards
Sometimes I re-read books
Always have a book with me . . . OR . . . Always have my knitting with me: BOTH!
Posted by: KIM IN OREGON | 07/25/2022 at 11:06 AM
Reading a book-book
Listening to an audiobook
Life is too short to read books I'm not enjoying (I was late learning this)
Library AND Bookstore Both thrill me no end!
I wouldn't dream of peeking at the ending (and usually avoid reading even the blurbs)
No group reads for me
Multiple books at once (of different types, e.g. one fiction and one essay)
Read in bed
Book awards? What book awards?
Sometimes I re-read books
Always have a book and/or knitting with me
Posted by: Karel | 07/25/2022 at 12:02 PM
Reading on an e-reader
Listening to an audiobook
Feel like I must finish what I start
I wouldn't dream of peeking at the ending
Book club
Multiple books at once
Read in bed
Follow book awards
Sometimes I re-read books
Always have a book with me . . . AND . . . Always have my knitting with me
Posted by: Sarah | 07/25/2022 at 01:11 PM
Reading on an e-reader
Listening to an audiobook
Life is too short to read books I'm not enjoying (but I rarely don't finish one)
I wouldn't dream of peeking at the ending
Book club (I belong to two!)
One book at a time (I used to read two at a time - one audio as I drove to and from work and one on an e-reader, usually when I was out to dinner alone.
Too tired to concentrate on a book at bedtime
Book awards? What book awards?
Sometimes I re-read books, but usually only when it becomes a book club selection and I need a refresh
Always have a book with me . . . AND . . . Always have my knitting with me
Posted by: Sue | 07/25/2022 at 01:58 PM
This might just be my favorite this or that ever! Here are my answers:
Reading on an e-reader
Listening to an audiobook
Life is too short to read books I'm not enjoying
Sometimes I read the ending first
Book club
One book at a time
Read in bed
Follow book awards
Not interested in reading something again
Always have a book with me
Posted by: Carole | 07/25/2022 at 02:48 PM
Reading a book-book . . . OR . . . Reading on an e-reader - Both - I prefer a book but do an e-reader if I want to read something and it's available on Overdrive or Hoopla.
I can't concentrate when I listen to a book
Feel like I must finish what I start
Library . . . OR . . . Bookstore - Both and I have 2 used bookstores that I like, one a town over and one down the shore.
I wouldn't dream of peeking at the ending
Book club - I do the Read with Us and the local used bookstore has one that I also belong to.
One book at a time
Too tired to concentrate on a book at bedtime
Book awards? What book awards?
Not interested in reading something again - though when I'm retired I may rethink a few series that I have.
Always have a book with me . . . OR . . . Always have my knitting with me - Sometimes neither though I do try to grab my knitting and I should grab a book when I have a dr appt at a notoriously late dr which I have 2 in August.
Posted by: Suzanne | 07/25/2022 at 05:48 PM
Reading a book-book. I prefer a book-book but do read on the iPad.
Listening to an audiobook. I often listen to an audiobook while knitting. We always have one at the ready for road trips.
Life is too short to read books I'm not enjoying
Library . . . AND . . . Bookstore
Sometimes I read the ending first. If a book is raising my level of anxiety, I sometimes read the ending to see if I want to stick with it.
Book club. I love my local group.
Multiple books at once .
Read in bed. It's part of my routine and I have a hard time getting to sleep without a little reading.
Book awards? What book awards?
Sometimes I re-read books. "Will I ever want to reread this book?" is one of several I ask myself when deciding whether to keep a book or find it a new home.
Always have my knitting with me
Very fun!
Posted by: Jane | 07/25/2022 at 09:10 PM
Reading on an e-reader - I’ll read either but the portability of the e-reader is hard to beat.
I can't concentrate when I listen to a book - probably because if I’m listening, I’m also doing something else at the same time.
Life is too short to read books I'm not enjoying - I used to finish every book I started but eh, as the saying says, life is too short.
Library - there are a few authors that I will buy the actual book, and I certainly love browsing in a bookstore but 99.9% of my books come from the library.
I wouldn't dream of peeking at the ending - every once in a while I will read the ending of a mystery because the suspense is killing me.
No group reads for me - not for a lack of interest, I’ve just never found one/been invited.
One book at a time
Read in bed - I ALWAYS read in bed before going to sleep. It’s such an ingrained habit that I actually have a hard falling asleep if I don’t read first.
Book awards? What book awards?
Sometimes I re-read books - I haven’t re-read a book in a very long time but there are a few that I feel are worth the time away from a new book.
Always have a book with me - thanks to that e-reader!
Posted by: Lora | 07/25/2022 at 11:47 PM
Reading a book-book!
Listening to an audiobook (one of my favorite ways to read)
Life is too short to read books I'm not enjoying!
Library . . . OR . . . Bookstore- Bookstore but you can't buy everything
If I read the ending I see no reason to read the book so I never read the ending
Book club! I'm in 3 groups because discussions can be so revealing
Multiple books at once - 3,4,5?
WAY to tired to read late in the day, especially in bed
Follow book awards because they are my lifeblood!
Sometimes I re-read books - I learn so much about myself as a reader and also see more of how the author evolves. It's rewarding to reread.
Always have a book with me (at the moment knitting is not possible) usually I have both
Posted by: Margene | 07/26/2022 at 09:23 AM
Reading a book-book or Reading on an e-reader - either is fine - especially in bed or when travelling, an e-reader is nice, plus I can get books without going to the library
Listening to an audiobook
Feel like I must finish what I start - mostly - on rare occasions I cut my losses.
Sometimes I read the ending first
Book club
Multiple books at once - but just one book with my eyes, one with my ears.
Read in bed EVERY single night - or I don't think I could sleep
Follow book awards - but not avidly
Sometimes I re-read books
Always have a book with me AND Always have my knitting with me
Posted by: Pam | 07/28/2022 at 10:54 AM
Reading a book-book - paper is my current favorite
Listening to an audiobook - and audiobooks are not-so-close second (I read a lot faster with my eyes than my ears, so even though I always have an audiobook in the works, I don't finish as many)
Life is too short to read books I'm not enjoying
Library . . . AND . . . Bookstore
Sometimes I read the ending first ... because sometimes I need to be sure things will turn out OK!
Book club and buddy reads!
Multiple books at once
Read in bed
Follow book awards :-)
Sometimes I re-read books
Always have a book with me . . . AND . . . Always have my knitting with me
(playing catch up ... finally!)
Posted by: Mary | 07/30/2022 at 03:54 PM