Something to Celebrate
Fridays Are For Hope

A Never Before

In all our years up north . . . 

In all this time of having a cabin . . . 

I have never, ever "gardened."

Not even a little bit. Mostly because . . . who needs to garden when you're in deep woods? The woods provide their own landscaping magic, after all. But there's also the practical and logistical side of things. Our up north schedule is erratic most years, with our time at the cabin competing with other summer plans.

This year, though? Not so much.

So back in May, I brought up a flat of impatiens and I planted them on our porch rail.


We've been up here enough this year that they've done well. I can keep them watered so they thrive between our visits (although our neighbors helped once during a particularly dry/hot spell when we were back home).

The flowers add a nice, welcoming touch to our little cabin in the woods. A bright spot!


The pandemic has brought me many opportunities to say "never before" . . .
but this one is a nice "never before!"



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Those are the perfect addition to your cabin in the woods!


I love this lovely "never before" addition of color to your cabin! (They make me wish I had planted impatiens in March.)


* whoops, May.


That little spot of color would be such a lovely welcome when you come back to your home in "the north".

Caffeine Girl

I really love your cabin. And the flowers are the perfect touch.
Woods don't lend themselves to gardening; not enough sun.
I would like to buy a little cabin. Got to talk the husband into it first.

Kim Sheehan

How beautiful. It looks so cozy and happy.


What a nice, colorful touch Kym. Truly magical!


Beautiful! Impatiens are just a perfect little flower!


how lovely to have such a lovely "never before"! and one that you actually might not immediately put into the "never again" category!


You cabin is adorable and the colorful flowers make such a nice welcome.


Impatiens are one of my favorite work horses of the summer... they just add such a nice welcoming burst of color! :)


Oh so pretty! And it's such a cute little cabin! I love it.

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