Sundays are for Poetry

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In the summer, when blooms are everywhere, it's easy to see the beauty around you.  Even as fall creeps in, it's easy.  Because the leaves put on quite a show.

But in the late fall, as winter edges ever closer, that's when it's tough.  The blooms have faded and the leaves are gone.  Everything is bare and grey and shades-of-bleak.

But. . . that's the time to look!  To really take notice!


Blooms are fleeting.  Here and gone.  

Turns out it's the underlying structure that really counts!  Because that structure remains long after the beauty is gone.

Take a look.




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This time of year the bones of trees are visible and stark against the sky. That underlying structure really is beautiful when bare.


This is a terrific spin on appreciating ALL the aspects of flowers, foliage and the changing seasons.


I love the "bones of the trees" against the sky. There is a stark beauty there! XO


Are these clematis? I like those excellent seed heads better than the blooms!


Agree! Though sometimes it's hard not to get stuck in mourning the easily seen beauty... Love those bearded remainders!


Yes! Even as Mother Nature wields her wand, there's magic in every stage. Lovely!


I love the colors this time of year ... the grays and browns are simply beautiful.


What wonderful texture in your photo! My grasses give me the joy of structure and bloom in late November. I love how people are gathering them together with string and ribbon at the holidays. On my to do list this week!


My first thought when looking at this photo was "wow, these colors would make a beautiful shawl or scarf!

Linda in VA


My sis thought she was doing a favor for a friend, once, by cleaning up their garden, but the friend actually enjoyed it "wild" through all seasons! So lovely.


I agree, Kym! We refrain from chopping down the garden where possible. I love my hydrangeas right now. So textural with gorgeous golden shades of brown. The birds appreciate the seeds from the Brown-Eyed Susans and the Echinacea. Bittersweet berries and mini crabapples loaded on our arbour and tree, respectively. I see colourful birds in November that ignore our yard all summer long. I read recently that native bees might overwinter in the perennial stalks too. The last hurrah before the snow hits. Love it!

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