Right Now . . . March 2017
And . . . here we are at the very end of March. It looks like this:
Cold, dreary rain.
Mud. Puddles. Ugh.
(But. It's not snow, and for that I am grateful.)
So. What's happening . . . Right Now?
Watching - Basketball. Pretty much my entire March Madness bracket is toast at this point (beginning with Villanova; I had them to win the whole dang thing!). I think I have North Carolina in there still, but otherwise? A bust. As usual. I'm also looking forward to watching the new season of Grace & Frankie, although I haven't tuned in to one episode yet. (Anyone watched it yet? Thoughts?)
Reading - It seems like I've been reading a lot lately! In the ears, I'm reading Little Deaths by Emma Flint. In print, I'm reading Exit West by Mohsin Hamid (and, while this one is quite short, I'm moving slowly -- because it's one of those books where the writing is So Fine that I keep re-reading, and then reading parts aloud to Tom). Other recently finished books worth mentioning include: The Lesser Bohemians by Eimear McBride (this one was really irritating to me; I don't recommend the audiobook version -- and I'd avoid it altogether unless you're particularly fond of stream-of-consciousness writing without punctuation - à la James Joyce, but more "modern" . . . and quite a bit of fairly graphic sex); The Sport of Kings by C.E. Morgan (which I adored, but it won't be for everyone); and The Keeper of Lost Things by Ruth Hogan (a whimsical, rather "lite" little story that is a bit fun and kind of like dipping your hand into a candy jar).
Stitching - (you'll notice I don't even bother to call this category "Knitting" anymore . . .) I've been totally captivated by my Alabama Chanin wrap skirt this month. I'm finished with the stitching and cutting portions of the project, and now just need to stitch it together. I'm so excited -- and already planning my next project! Despite the allure of the Alabama Chanin world, I did manage to knit one sock this month. Pretty basic. (I'll show you sometime.) But. . . as so often happens, the stripe-ish yarn pooled badly in the gusset portion. And I despise pooled yarn. So I'm Not Thrilled. In other news, I decided I want to try the helical knitting thing (because how cool is learning something new???), and found this (stay tuned) . . .
Listening to - Podcasts. March has been #trypod month, where listeners are encouraged to recommend the podcasts they enjoy. It's still March, although right at the wire . . . so here are a few I especially like: Happier with Gretchen Rubin, Freakonomics Radio, The Moth, From the Heart: Conversations with Yoga Girl, and - of course - NPR's Wait, Wait. . . Don't Tell Me. There's a new one that just came out this week - S-Town - which seems promising, too (although so far I've only listened to the first episode). (Also, S-Town's website is one of the most beautiful websites I've ever visited. Worth a click!) (I also listened to Missing Richard Simmons, which was . . . well. A bit weird.) How about you? Tried a pod? What ones do you recommend?
Drinking - YES! Thanks to my sister, I can now enjoy wine - by the cup! - first thing in the morning. (Does she know me, or what????)
Delighted by - A couple of little things that just make me smile every time I look at them. First, my new coffee mug . . .
and then, my Women's March pin from Penzeys . . .
Both of things keep me smiling -- and remembering that even though there is serious work to be done, we can still share humor and kindness and love in the world.
Gold Star - Awarded to ME . . . for not stressing about my taxes. Here's the deal. Every year, I do and file my taxes right around April 10. It doesn't take me long, really, and as a former CPA (yeah . . . ) I pretty much know what I'm doing. But. Every year, I begin stressing in January about how I haven't done my taxes yet. This year, I decided to drop the subterfuge. No matter when I started the stressing, I still didn't DO my taxes until April. This year? I'll start stressing tomorrow.
Trying Hard - to tackle my Big Projects by spending small bits of time working on them on a regular basis. I tend to put off my Big Projects (things like digitizing all of the old family photos . . . or a digital clean up of all my computer files . . . that kind of stuff) because I feel like I will need huge blocks of time to complete them. And, really, that's true. Those projects WILL take a lot of time to complete. But . . . if I tackle them in small, 15-minute mini-chunks of time -- every day -- I will be able to get them finished! So. That's my plan now. Project completion by degrees!
Blooming - Before yesterday's day-long deluge of rain, I was able to get out in the garden and find my first hellebore bloom of the season. It gives me hope for what's to come! (And deer don't like to eat them, by the way. . . )
Celebrating - While the main birthday hoop-la is now complete, I am still celebrating! Right now, I'm celebrating the incredible support from all of you yesterday -- when I revealed that this birthday was a struggle for me, without my Mom. Your words felt like hugs -- all day long. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. You all helped me get through a difficult day. (I can't really express how much your comments meant to me.)
Coming Up - Although I tend to like March (this year it was rather challenging -- because the weather was so nasty and didn't much feel like spring at all), I'm looking forward to April. I'm taking part in Michelle's Just Five Things workshop for the first couple of weeks in April. (We'll see how things go, but maybe I'll share some of my experience with you.) And (although I haven't officially signed up yet - but plan to yet today), I'm going to dive in to the #The100DayProject. (Stay tuned.) I'm also going to continue my quest to find BALANCE . . . by balancing my chakras and following moon phases! Yeah . . . things are going to get interesting around here!
How about YOU? What's going on for you . . . Right Now?
I LOVE Grace & Frankie!! It's lol much of the time, and very touching at others. At least it's something for us Boomers to totally relate to that's on tv-and a show without a 'body count' to it. If you're looking to find your knitting mojo again, try reading, "Knitlandia" (hardback only) by Clara Parkes. A lovely book with each chapter visiting a new corner of her knitting world-literally! Belated birthday wishes, hope it was a good one!!
Posted by: Sandy | 03/31/2017 at 10:35 AM
Your AC skirt and Zauberball are really beautiful, and I think the merlot infused coffee proves you just might have the absolute best sister! Hooray for blooms, Penzey's, and Gold Stars. Hope you have a great weekend with minimal tax stress!
Posted by: Bonny | 03/31/2017 at 10:40 AM
I signed up for the Just Five Things also! And as I've finished GG I was considering either more Lauren Graham with Parenthood or Grace and Frankie. Your AC project is just beautiful. Have a wonderful weekend my friend! xoxo
Posted by: Patty | 03/31/2017 at 10:47 AM
Love your AC skirt - so pretty. And the Zauberball looks gorgeous too. Can't wait to see your helical stripes. The hellebore is so delicate - really lovely shades. And merlot infused coffee? Sign me up!
I tried to get into Grace & Frankie but Jane Fonda kind of irritates me. I liked the first few episodes and then couldn't watch more...
Reading: "Year of Wonders: A Novel of the Plague" by Geraldine Brooks and am enjoying it. I have "Hidden Figures" (Shetterly) on my Kindle, but I think the loan is up in a day or so....I have so many lining up to come in I will probably let it go and get it again later.
Podcasts: Check out 99 Percent Invisible when you have a chance. I love Wait, Wait Don't Tell Me.
Hope you continue to celebrate your birthday through the weekend -- enjoy!!
Posted by: Vera | 03/31/2017 at 11:28 AM
I'm glad you enjoyed your birthday, and glad you are still celebrating! In our family we celebrate birthdays for an entire week.
I haven't watched this season of "Grace and Frankie" yet, but I hope I'll enjoy it.
Your stitching looks lovely. I'm intrigued by the helical knitting thing myself, though I need to absorb more about it before trying . Those things take me a while ...
Have a good birthday weekend!
Posted by: Bridget | 03/31/2017 at 11:31 AM
We've watched a few episodes of the new season of Grace and Frankie and we think it's just as good as ever. I'm reading Eileen and listening to S-Town. Knitting socks (still the same pair for Dale) and looking at the rain falling and hoping they are wrong about it turning to snow overnight. Boo hiss for snow in April!
Posted by: Carole | 03/31/2017 at 01:05 PM
That hellebore photo is one of my favorites ever. What a gorgeous flower.
Oooh, your AC skirt!! Can't wait to hear about what you have planned next in that department.
Zauberball helical stripes look cool, and it's a neat technique.
Posted by: Vicki | 03/31/2017 at 04:08 PM
We're getting yet.more.rain and I hope it isn't headed your way! What a drear winter it's been. Love your AC and seeing your project (and Vicki's) has me working on mine again. The colors of your Zauberball are just your thing. Mine choice, of course, is shades of blue. We get little time for TV, but we liked F&G first season. My favorite podcast is The New Yorker Radio Hour. I also like Snap Judgement and The Axe Files. S-Town was stunning! In truth, I have about 50 podcasts on my iPod. I hope you celebrate your birthday well into April!!
Posted by: margene | 03/31/2017 at 04:19 PM
I love your skirt! So much!! Between you and Vicki, I am so inspired!! And, Zauberball!! Go Helical Stripes!! (Also, I am making note of Hellebore - I wonder if they will grow here?)
Posted by: AsKatKnits | 03/31/2017 at 05:26 PM
Happy to know you will be listing with Just 5 things. I had forgotten about S-Town. Thanks for the reminder.
Posted by: Juliann | 03/31/2017 at 10:14 PM
That skirt is going to be amazing - I can totally see how it's eclipsed knitting! Also looking forward to Five Things. and the only thing I've heard about G&F is from Sara - she's said it's good. Quite intrigued by the moon phases (after reading Learning to Walk in the Dark, I have a much better appreciation for how our bodies are in tune with the moon). Here's to April!
Posted by: Mary | 04/01/2017 at 07:52 AM
Late to the end of March wrap up party and wishing you a huge Happpy Happy Birthday...here's to many more! Your post is full of all sorts of goodness and is on my list for a re-read! Glad you are joining in Just Five Things plus #the 100Day Project ? See you there and here.
Again, a belated Happy Birthday!
Posted by: Honore´ | 04/05/2017 at 08:48 AM