Think Write Thursday: Hitting the Jackpot (An Abandoned Building Tale)
Trick or Treat

Right Now - October 2016

October, you have been a busy month . . . with so very many lovely days. 

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Yesterday I finally had to break down and put on Real Shoes with a pair of Real Socks.  Although it always pains me to put on shoes again, I think this may actually be a Personal Record in terms of wearing flip flops right through the end of October!

Here's what's happening for me . . . Right Now:

Watching - Why . . . the Cubs, of course!  I'm also looking forward to The Crown, beginning on Netflix next week.

Reading - In my ears, I've got To the Bright Edge of the World by Eowyn Ivey, and in print, I'm reading His Bloody Project by Graeme Macrae Burnet.  Both are excellent reads so far. I'm also reading Upstream, Mary Oliver's latest -- but I'm savoring it slowly and intentionally . . . doling out one chapter each morning with my coffee.

Knitting - Nothing.  Absolutely nothing.  But I plan to rectify that situation soon -- by casting on some Squad Mitts.  And maybe this.  Because I need some immediate gratification knitting going on!

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Drinking - Peppermint tea!  (I've been in the mood for peppermint tea ever since spending time in the "Mint Room" at the Celestial Seasonings tour in Boulder back in August.)

Stuck in my Head - Doobie Brothers . . . Listen to the Music.

Needing to - Finish cutting back my perennials and bringing in all the little garden doodads.  (I'm late this year . . . because of the glorious fall weather we've been having.)

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Delighted by - Finding so many wonderful old family photos while sorting through the nooks and crannies of my parents' condo.  I certainly have my work cut out for me now . . . in the organizing and chronicling.  But what a treasure!

Looking forward to - The end of the election.  Really.  So. Sick. Of. It. All.  So ready to vote, already!

Planning - So very many things.  There's a lot going on in my life at the moment, and some days . . . I really wonder if I can manage everything.  But pieces are beginning to fall into place, and I have confidence that it's all going to work out.


Celebrating - Can you believe that yesterday was Brian and Lauren's first anniversary already???  Time really does fly!  And today is my sister and brother-in-law's anniversary.  There is much love to celebrate!

Noticing - That the leaves are slower to turn than usual here in Michigan this year.  We still haven't hit peak-color here in my neighborhood, but it's been just lovely, watching the colors unfold gradually.

Grateful for - Working together with my dad and Tom to move, well . . . move mountains!

How about YOU?  What's happening for you . . . right now?




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After a couple of years of...moving mountains...I'm finally starting to settle in with the extra time I've got on my hands. And...because I drive a VW polluter that will go back to VW soon I'm car shopping! Love, love, love those leaf photos!


What's happening for me right now is that I hadn't even realized October was ending so soon, due to some of my own mountain climbing. (I'm not even moving any mountains, just struggling on some of the rugged terrain). When I look at leaves in my own yard I mainly see the work involved, but you have some of the loveliest leaves I've seen! Maybe I should look at mine a bit more closely? I'll be raising my mug of peppermint tea to you this evening!


You've really captured fall with your photos. I gave up on the flip flops last week. Our October has been much too November-like for my tastes. (and I still haven't planted my bulbs. Have you? oy.)


It has pained me to pull out the shoes & socks... am loving a pair of new ankle boots, though, and that somehow makes it better. I'm nearly finished with my fist Squad Mitt! I should be further along, but life... I voted yesterday! There is still so much road construction in our fair city, I just can't imagine what it's going to be like getting around on 11/8. Loving all your leafy photos.


Fall has really put on a show this year! Your photos are breathtaking. Now to make you jealous--wore flip flops yesterday! Hoping the kiddos will be able to wear their costumes without a coat. Happy weekend and go Cubbies!


You have very impressive leaf colors in your neighborhood. I love your daily leaf photos. Ours trees are pretty much gold only. Not surprisingly, I'm watching the Cubs and reading the same books you are. Thankfully, we were able to vote last week. I just wish I'd stop getting phone calls from candidates I would never vote for.


Fall has not peaked here either, although there are some vibrant spots of color about! And, I broke out the socks and shoes last week. But, I had a good long run without them, so I am not complaining! May those mountains move easily, especially since you have such a good crew to help you! XO


The leaves in my neighborhood went very fast this year. We are in a drought. And my favorite maple went from gold to brown missing the lovely red that is sprinkled amongst the gold. Then stiff winds brought everything down. Yesterday we had snow on the grassy areas. Yet, I've only wore socks consistently this week. Not bad.


I'm so glad this has been a beautiful, warm October up your way. I think of that golden (and red!) sunshine warming your days and I smile. I cannot believe Brian and Lauren have celebrated their first anniversary (already??!!) Look forward to the stories you'll be sharing here as you sort through the treasures you've discovered in your parents' condo. and wishing you a warm and sun-filled weekend. xo - M.


I am so ready for this election to be over! 5 hours 4 days a week staffing our county party office, wrestling with spreadsheets for my candidate's latest financial report (due midnight Monday, and I still haven't gotten the darned thing to balance), phone banking, etc etc etc. After November 8 I plan to knit, read, nap, and watch Netflix until, until, maybe forever. Or at least until the next election.

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