Right Now . . . November 2015

Best Things


November is over.  NaBloPoMo is over.  Thanksgiving is over.  Brian's wedding celebration is over.  I'm sort of feeling like crawling back into bed and covering my head today.   (No doubt about it . . . November was a busy month!)


Ten on Tuesday calls!


Today, Carole asks us about the Ten Best Things We Did in November. Here goes . . . 


1 - I saw/heard two fabulous speakers:  Ta-Nehisi Coates and Gloria Steinem.  (Yep. Right here in Kalamazoo.)

2 - My mom and I had a successful shopping trip to find her a fabulous outfit for Brian's wedding reception.  (Chicos to the rescue!)

3 - I completed a 6-week "Introduction to Lakes" course through MSU.  (Go ahead.  Ask me about phragmites, watersheds, or riparian rights.)


4 - I spent some time with my Uncle Tom, who was visiting my parents earlier this month.  (He's my dad's younger brother.)

5 - I finished a knitting project.  (To be blogged soon.)

6 - And went to two concerts, a play, and a movie.  (Symphony, chamber music, one-man show, and Suffragette.)


7 - I "directed" several home improvement projects.  (And moved back into my bathroom.)  (Another future blog post you can look forward to.)

8 - I had a mammogram.  (All clear.)

9 - And then planned - and carried out - a pretty darn wonderful Thanksgiving dinner.  (And gingerbread house decorating extravaganza.)   (More later.)


10 - But probably best of all -- I celebrated Brian and Lauren's wedding at a really fabulous reception.  (Very exciting.  And, again . . . more later.)

How about YOU?  What was the Best Thing YOU did this month?


Read what other bloggers have to say here.



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You had a GREAT month! Thanks for the awesome recap, I'm looking forward to the stories to come as you delve more into the big stuff that happened. In the meantime, take some quiet time and regenerate.


What an full month! It sounds like you need a vacation month from your month! Sadly, we are in another jam packed month!

I love gingerbread houses! And here I was thinking my Christmas decorating was finished, but now I just might need to make one of these! Thanks for the inspiration!


Thanks for giving us all these great posts to look forward to! I don't know much about watersheds and riparian rights, but boy, do I know phragmites. I spent several weekends last summer volunteering on a phragmites control crew. It's sad to walk past the areas where we did so much back-breaking work and see that it's all grown back in just months. This is one bad-a$$ plant!


Weddings are always exciting! I can't wait to hear more about the knitting and gingerbread adventures!


What a month!! Can't wait to hear more about so many things! Hope you have a chance to take a breath (and a nap).


You have SO MANY more things to share! I looking forward to another month of great posts from you. You deserve some time to rest and relax, but I have a feeling you'll keep running!


Wow! Your November was eventful! I love the Christmas houses!


You had a busy month! I'm looking forward to reading about your adventures :-)


What a great month of living a good life! So much about you and PEOPLE.


Just a quick thank you for all the daily posts for NaBloPoMo. It's so neat to find a new one each day. Thanks for making the effort again this year.

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