This and That
Before and After

Roll Up. . .

. . . For the Mystery Tour!

Come June 1, you'll find me following the clues . . . of Kirsten Kapur's 2014 Mystery Shawl!

I've never knit a Mystery Anything.  In fact, I've sworn I never would!  But, here I am.  All signed up and ready to go.

Truth is, I trust Kirsten's designs.  I've knit at least five of her shawls, and I love each one.  Great designs.  Great patterns.  Great results.

And when I read, "shallow triangle," "ease of wear," and "tossed casually around the neck much like a scarf," I was hooked.   Then, when I read she had knit her sample using a gradient yarn kit . . . I was All In!

(Of course, a little peer pressure makes it all fun, too!  I'm excited to be joining Margene, Carole, and Patty on this Mystery Tour.)


I'll be knitting a pop-of-color mystery, that's for sure!  (I ordered the flouro gradient kit.  And "flouro" it is!)

Roll up!  

We're waiting to take you away . . . 



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My gradient kit arrived the other day (so!fast!) and it's beautiful shades of orange. I can't wait to start and you're right - Kirsten's designs are always terrific.


At my age I should be able to resist peer pressure but I'm dangerously close to falling in with the "bad kids"!


I'm trying to stick with solid black but you're making it harrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrd! ;-) Beautiful colors!


I tried a mystery knit...I failed. I hope you have excellent luck!! And the color is eye-popping!! I think I like it. :D


I'm with Bonny! I didn't run with the bad kids until I was an adult. Your green and the other gradient yarns keep! Your greens are stunning!


I'm so glad you were swayed! The green is truly a POP color and you'll love wearing it!


I'm in on this one, too. Excited to be knitting along with y'all!

Cheryl S.

I'm not a mystery-shawl-knitter either, but I must admit that this one did tempt me. That color will be fabulous.


This is my first mystery knit. I got my gradient kit in Ivy and love the colors!

kathy b

Can't wait to see if you like the mystery . Im always afraid I won't understand the instructions.


As we are going on a big adventure I decided not to join this mystery but the gradient and the description of the shawl did make it hard to decide against it...

I love your gradient but it made me laugh at myself as just the other day I declared you a muted colors knitter...


Ha. I'm in. Totally in. I blame/thank Margene! I'll be attempting to dye my own gradient yarn over the weekend... in my spare time. Don't know if I'll be starting on time, or whether I'll be able to keep up, but if the excitement is unbearable in blogland, I may have to find a way!! :)

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